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How Can I Dry Up My Leaky Basement?

Rain boots should be used for puddles, not basement flooding. Here are some cheap ways to dry up basement leaks!

Moisture in basements is either caused by indoor humidity or from water vapor coming in from outside. Recent Kansas rainwater can saturate the soil around your home’s foundation, causing a leaky basement as the water gets in through cracks, porous concrete, or masonry walls in the form of water vapor.

To test whether water is present internally or externally, tape a piece of aluminum foil to your basement wall and check it a few days later. Moisture on the outside of the foil indicates indoor humidity. Moisture on the inside of the foil means water is leaking in from outside.

We can’t help much of what Mother Nature does, but we do have some tips to help dry out your leaky basement inexpensively if water is leaking from outside and tips to get rid of excessive internal moisture.

Leaky basement tipsExternal Basement Leak Tips 

  1.  If your basement is leaking from rain, making sure water is moving away from your home’s foundation could solve the problem. In areas where leaks are occurring, create a slope away from the house that drops about 4 inches and spans about 6 feet. Covering the slope with a layer of 6-mil poly, a thick plastic sheet, and hiding it with mulch or gravel adds even more protection from leaks. You can find this fairly inexpensively at your local Lowe’s or hardware store.
  2. Does your house have gutters or do they need to be cleaned? If your basement is leaking from rain, consider adding gutters or extending downspouts and allowing 4-6 inch horizontal extensions to direct water away from your house.
  3. Plugging holes or cracks in your home’s foundation probably won’t completely eliminate leaks, but it will help lessen them. Hydraulic cement works well to patch holes because it expands as it sets and locks the plug in place. You can also then waterproof bare basement walls with a coating similar to paint.
  4. Install a sump pump. This can be labor intensive, but doing it yourself can save you thousands for a typical drainage job.

Internal Basement Leak Tips

  1. Get rid of excess humidity by taping foil tape around leaky dryer vents (be sure to use foil tape as duck tape will eventually fall off). Place a vent fan in your basement bathroom and be sure to run it during showers while moisture collects. Dehumidifiers also help remove some extra moisture.
  2. Insulate basement pipes with cheap foam insulation. Cut and place it around cold basement pipes to prevent water moisture from collecting on pipes.
  3. Insulate walls –  besides preventing water moisture, this can also help keep cold air out during Kansas winters and help with energy bills.

With more rain on the way, we hope some of these tips help. U-Stor is the place if you need extra space when working on your leaky basement. Reserve your unit now!

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