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U-STOR News (6 of 9)

U-STOR news keeps you up to date on our storage specials, storage tips, auction news, and events!

dog adoption event

Dog Days of Spring!

U-Stor and Beauties & Beasts Team Up for Dog Adoption!

Dog adoption events are happening all around Wichita. Who’s letting the dogs out this time?? WE ARE!!

U-Stor Maize (3663 N Maize Rd) is hosting “The Dog Days of Spring,” a dog adoption event for Beauties and Beasts rescue. Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 20th from 11 AM-2 PM!

U-Stor will be sponsoring up to $1000 of adoption fees! In addition, Chuck & Don’s Pet Food and Supplies will be joining us with some great giveaways. Make sure to get there early and …

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Digital recipe solutions

Five Best Digital Recipe Solutions

Have you ever forgotten where you put a favorite recipe? Digital recipe apps and websites like Pinterest are making it easier than ever to find, save, and sort your favorite dishes now, to access later from your phone, tablet, or PC. All you need to do is choose the one that’s right for your lifestyle. Some will even help you tame the pile of note cards, ripped magazine pages, and scraps of paper with handwritten recipes that are cluttering the kitchen drawer.


Vibrant pictures and unlimited recipe sources make Pinterest a great organizational tool. Users simply pin the picture …

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Packed suitcase

3 Pack-Light Tips For Your Next Getaway

Are you the person in your group who needs two week’s notice for a weekend getaway so you can organize, pack, and rent a moving truck for your luggage? If you want more spontaneity in your life, you need to learn how to pack a bag, FAST! Whether you’re jumping in the car for a quick road trip or grabbing a flight to Vegas, we can help you become a lean, mean, packing machine with just a few simple steps.

Make A Plan

Before you reach for the suitcase or carry-on bag, make a list of everything you need and a few …

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cat with girl

Getting Ready for Kitty

June is National Adopt A Cat month. If your kids have been pleading for a cat or kitten and showing you adorable whisker-faced pictures until you’re ready to give in, make sure your home and family are ready for the new arrival. Doing a little research and preparation now will make the homecoming and transition sweeter for everyone.

Prep and Gather

Bringing home a new kitty is an exciting time, especially for little ones. Be sure to talk to small children and toddlers about proper behavior including no tail-pulling and proper holding techniques. Your local library should have a bevvy of books on …

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5 best apps to help you move

May Newsletter – Moving Apps + Home Staging

In each issue of the U-Stor newsletter, we provide readers with helpful information they can use in their daily lives. We also reveal auction times, coupons/specials, and share the many weird items people have found in storage units over the years.

Featured in the May Newsletter

5 Best Apps to Help you Move – Twenty years ago, if you wanted to move to a new house or apartment you grabbed a few boxes, called a buddy with a truck, bribed him with pizza and you were done. The only high tech component was a cell phone (with antenna) that did one thing, made …

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staging home

Home Staging on a Budget

If you’re ready to sell your home, don’t be in a rush to stick a for sale sign in the yard just yet. In addition to deep cleaning the carpets, sweeping dust bunnies, and scrubbing the tub, there is another must-do for home sellers – staging. To attract prospective buyers, your home needs to be clean and inviting, but what are the specifics? We consulted with local realtor, Lynette Chapman, to get her thoughts on strategies that won’t bust your bottom line.

There is an absolute benefit to staging a home, but you don’t have to spend …

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moving app

5 Best Apps To Help You Move

Twenty years ago, if you wanted to move to a new house or apartment you grabbed a few boxes, called a buddy with a truck, bribed him with pizza and you were done. The only high tech component was a cell phone that did one thing, made calls. Now, most of us carry a tiny PC right in our pockets with apps that can reserve the moving truck, locate a new home, organize the process, sell your old stuff, and get everything hauled where it needs to go. Plus, it will order the pizza you promised your buddy.

Your relocation process …

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How to pack a moving truck like a pro

April Newsletter – How to Pack a Moving Truck, Easy Baby Shower Ideas and MORE!

In each issue of the U-Stor newsletter, we provide readers with helpful information they can use in their daily lives. We also reveal auction times, coupons/specials, and share the many weird items people have found in storage units over the years.

Featured in the April Newsletter

How to Pack a Moving Truck like a Pro – After you rent the moving truck it’s time to haul boxes and furniture into it with reckless abandon, right? Wrong. Taking a little time to plan ahead will allow you to maximize space and keep your belongings snugged in tight…but not too tight.

Easy Baby Shower Ideas on a Budget …

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Employee spotlight: Whitney from U-STOR Maize

March Newsletter – Employee Spotlight, 5 Tips for Moving with Pets and MORE!

In each issue of the U-Stor newsletter, we provide readers with helpful information they can use in their daily lives. We also reveal auction times, coupons/specials, and share the many weird items people have found in storage units over the years.

Featured in the March Newsletter

Employee Spotlight: Whitney from U-Stor Maize – This month, our Employee Spotlight celebrates a grad school student with strong humanitarian beliefs who enjoys the daily interaction she gets with U-Stor tenants. Let’s learn more about Whitney.

5 Tips for Moving with Pets – Moving to a new home is an exciting, albeit stressful time for the whole family including our …

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Random act of kindness

February Newsletter – Random Acts of Kindness + Healthy Heart Trifecta

In each issue of the U-Stor newsletter, we provide readers with helpful information they can use in their daily lives. We also reveal auction times, coupons/specials, and share the many weird items people have found in storage units over the years.

Featured in the February Newsletter

Weight, Life, Diet: The Healthy Heart Trifecta – February is American Heart Month, a good reminder to have your ticker checked on an annual basis and practice healthy heart behavior all year long. In 2016, a study conducted by the American Heart Association revealed cardiovascular disease to be the “underlying cause of death,” for over 800,000 men and …

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